
II1305 Project | Team 8


Welcome to the repository belonging to Team 8’s II1305 Project, for the version that ran in the spring of 2018.

In this repository you’ll find some assets related to the project, and the following sections describe where you can find some related sites, such as the documentation and the project website and, if you are a member, how you can contribute.

The Team 8 is set up as an organization and all related projects to the team can be seen here.


The documentation is mainly for internal use of the team, and is hosted at ReadTheDocs. It lists some basic descriptions regarding the structure of the project.

Are you a member?

Project Website

The project website, which can be found here is hosted here on GitHub in a separate repository - found here.

It gives a short description of the project and what it’s about, some weekly updates & highlights of what we’re doing.

Are you a member?


The members of Team 8 are the following:
Project Owner Filip Appelgren (Project Owner)
Scrum Master Oskar Hahr (Scrum Master)
Team Member Didrik Axelsson
Team Member Jakob Berggren
Team Member Johan Edman
Team Member Anton Ehlert
Team Member Blenda Fröjdh

Should there be any questions/problems, they are the the ones who should be contacted. There’s currently no single entity to contact, so simply contact one of the above listed team members (click their respective names).